Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Companies with a Conscience

With so many companies today claiming to care about the environment and the health of their consumers, it's hard to know who really means it. The best way to find out which businesses are really making an effort to go green and support sustainable living is to do your research. Check out the website of the company making the claims: does it list (in detail) exactly what steps it is taking to ensure the safety or sustainability of its products? Does it disclose all the ingredients in each of its products? If you email the company to ask a question about its products or manufacturing practices, do you get a specific response to your query (or any response at all)? Another way to find out if a company is really as stoic as it markets itself to be is to Google the name of the business; if there have been any news stories, complaints or feedback (good or bad) about a company's business ethics, they are highly likely to show up here.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have spent a lot of time attempting to determine who's telling the truth when it comes to companies that are truly making an effort to go green. Although I have suffered several let-downs by companies that I was certain (or at least hoping) were not just feeding me a line, in some cases I found myself surprised and encouraged by what I discovered. I'm sure--okay, I really hope--there are hundreds of businesses out there that are doing more than their part to help protect the environment, but here are a few of the ones I've been most impressed with thus far:

Burt's Bees - they are really busting their bee-hinds (sorry) to ensure that products labeled "natural" are just that. Check out the section "Burt's Bill" for more information. And, of course, their products are awesome (especially their Lip Shimmers).

Aveda - aside from their commitment to reduce their carbon footprint by using wind energy to power their manufacturing plant in Minnesota, Aveda discloses all of the ingredients in each and every one of their products. Their customer service team was also quick and thorough when responding to my email query as to why they use a certain ingredient in one of their shampoo products as well as what the source of the ingredient is.

Pottery Barn - they might seem like an unlikely candidate for this list, but stick with me. Pottery Barn is pledging to include a minimum of 5% organic cotton in at least half the sheet sets it offers (they also carry sheets which are made from 100% organic cotton). The idea is that using even minimal amounts of organic cotton will increase demand for and lower the cost of growing the organic cotton--exactly the type of mentality we all should adopt when it comes to organics. And while Pottery Barn may not exactly be famous for bargain basement pricing, their organic sheet sets are selling for considerably less than those I found on many other websites.

This list is by no means complete. I could easily add others: Ecover, Equal Exchange, Seventh Generation, just to name a few. But it's late, and the kids will most likely be up before the sun, eager to start another day, so I will have to continue this thread at another time. If anyone out there has their own favorite organic or eco-friendly products, don't be shy--share them with the rest of us!


The Ordinary Organic

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Information Overload?

No matter how interesting or intriguing a subject may be, too much information about any topic can be overwhelming. Not only are we likely to develop a headache from trying to absorb and comprehend as many facts as possible, but chances are that some sources will directly contradict others, making it difficult (if not impossible) for the seeker of the information to discern between truth and myth. My desire to know all there is to know about organic foods and eco-friendly products has prompted me to borrow no fewer than a dozen books from my local library. In fact, I’ve been to the library so often in the past few weeks that when the librarian sees me walking towards the circulation desk, she smiles and immediately goes to the ‘holds’ shelf to gather the most recent books waiting to be added to my impressively lengthy list of checked-out volumes (if there is a limit on the number of books a library patron can have checked out at one time, I am sure that I am rapidly approaching that number). And being no stranger to academic research and conflicting theories, I was fully expecting a fair amount of head-butting between texts. I had decided at the outset that I would assemble my data, pick out the parts that made sense to me, and go from there. My one hope was that I wouldn’t become discouraged and overwhelmed, either by an overload of scientific jargon or by inflexible demands that I throw away everything I own, tear down the toxic dump otherwise known as my house, and start living off the land.

To my immense surprise (and relief), all of the books I have consulted thus far have offered nothing but some gentle advice, a fair amount of common sense, and a great deal of information that is astonishingly consistent. Even the books written or edited by people from different countries—most often the U.S. and Britain—agree on virtually everything, from recipes for concocting all-purpose cleaning products from vinegar and baking soda to the best tasting heirloom tomatoes to the detrimental effects genetically-modified crops have globally on both the environment and the survival of small farms. What started out as intellectual research quickly became pleasure reading: books bearing titles such as The Gardener’s A-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food vie for space on my bedside table with Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love, a rather bizarre yet engrossing novel called The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami and, of course, Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Knowing that I only have until next Tuesday to read freely without guilt—after which I will still probably be reading just as much even though I should be focusing my brain power on French vocabulary and verb conjugation—I have been cramming my brain with far more information about organic and eco-friendly products than it can possibly ever hope to retain. But that’s okay, because despite the overload of information, I get it. I understand what it takes to grow vegetables without the use of chemicals—it’s not rocket science. People were growing food this way long before rockets were invented, just as they were keeping their houses clean using little more than, well, vinegar and baking soda. And while it might seem like a waste of time to read a slew of books that all say pretty much the same thing, for me, just the opposite is true. I find it reassuring to know that no matter which text I consult, the facts remain the same, and I am free to enjoy the anecdotes or personal experiences of the author (which are often more informative than the facts themselves). Being a life-long lover of reading and books in general, there is no greater satisfaction than to finish a book feeling enlightened and entertained, and the books I have recently read on organic and eco-friendly living have not disappointed me.

If you are interested in finding out more about organic and eco-friendly living, I urge you to check out your local library before heading to the bookstore—you’ll save yourself some cash (unless you’re like me and never remember to return the books by their due dates even though the library sends out friendly email reminders in advance. Hey, maybe that’s why the librarian smiles when she sees me come in; she’s thinking “Hey, there’s the girl who bought us five new books last month with all her late fees. With all those books she has checked out now, we should be able to buy a new set of encyclopedias!”) Oh, and you’ll save some trees, too—not that I’m a treehugger or anything.

The Ordinary Organic

Monday, January 21, 2008

Living Like a King(solver)

I'm not usually one of those people who believes that "everything happens for a reason"--at least, not in the guidance-from-above sense. Yet on the very same day I wrote about localvores and how the idea of self-enforced food restriction wasn't something I was ever likely to try, I began reading Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle thinking it was a book about eating organic foods. As it turns out, the book chronicles the cross-country relocation of the author and her family from Arizona to Virginia and their decision to eat only locally grown and produced foods for at least one year. Within twenty-four hours, I was devising plans in my head to convert my entire back yard into vegetable beds and contemplating which breed of heritage chickens would be the best type to raise as egg layers. However, I still have that nagging problem of not having access to locally grown and milled flour, not to mention two of my other necessities for life: sugar and coffee. And while I could probably get by for a few months without fresh berries, cantaloupe, and cucumbers, my four- and six-year-old children would not be quite as content to wait for the appropriate seasons for the afore-mentioned to arrive (are you kidding? They can't even wait the fifteen seconds it takes to walk from the toy store to the car before they demand to open it NOW). From what I've read thus far, I've already deduced that I do not possess even one tenth of the patience or self-control that the author and her family seem to exert almost effortlessly when it comes to eating only foods that are in season locally--not in Florida or California or Mexico. I know those blueberries in the grocery store were picked weeks ago and then sat in boxes in trucks or on trains for days, and that blueberries really are not meant to withstand all that travel and still look as fresh as the day they were picked. In the case of conventionally grown berries, the fact that they do look freshly picked should signal to us that these blueberries are packing more than antioxidants. And even the organically grown berries (which are not usually quite as pretty nor do they last as long), although they may be physically chemical-free, are still using up a lot of precious fossil fuels to get from point A to our refrigerators. But my kids really love them, and I hate to deny them the pleasure of eating something as enjoyable (not to mention healthy) as blueberries, especially when I know the reason "they're not really in season right now" would be falling on youthfully deaf ears. Suddenly, eating organic is not as simple as going to Hannaford's and loading my grocery cart with organically grown produce (like I did last week--and I was so proud of myself, too.)

One item I have decided against eating out of season from now on, though, is the tomato. For years, I have been simultaneously disappointed and outraged each time I've ordered a caprese salad in a restaurant, even in a really fantastic restaurant, and the tomatoes have been pale, mealy, and bitter--disappointed because the tomato tastes terrible, and outraged that the restaurant had been so foolish as to have purchased such poor quality produce. Now I understand who the true fool in the scenario is: the same fool who, on a trip to Maine just this past weekend, ordered a pizza with pesto and tomatoes. As soon as the pizza was set down in front of me and I looked at the chunks of barely pink fruits with crystallized flesh sitting in watery puddles on top of the cheese, I thought "Why did I order this? Tomatoes don't grow in Maine in the middle of January." Then and there, I decided I would not eat another fresh tomato until I could pick it myself out of my garden, purchase it from a local farmer, or take it out of my farm box this coming summer. It's not much, but it's a start.

Whether it be the result of divine intervention or pure coincidence, it seems obvious that Animal, Vegetable, Miracle is the perfect book for me to be reading at this point in my quest for information and guidance on organic living. Although I have read barely a hundred pages of the Kingsolvers' story, I have already begun to understand what is likely to be the most important lesson I will learn from their localvore experience: in order to live like kings, we should strive to eat like the Kingsolvers.

The Ordinary Organic

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Love Thy Neighbor

Today the kids and I went to Peaceful Meadows in Whitman to get milk and vanilla ice cream for the ice cream sodas we were having for dessert. As is our custom, we stopped in the barn to visit the cows (it's always nice to see first-hand where the milk you're drinking is coming from), and we were delighted to see this two-day old calf napping in the corner of its pen. Although the milk from Peaceful Meadows is not organic, it is free of growth hormones and (I believe) antibiotics. And not only is its taste far superior to the milk found in the supermarket, but it costs less, too! The only organic milk available around here comes in cartons, and I just don't like the taste of milk from a carton, organic or not (my son, however, absolutely loves the Horizon chocolate milk "boxes"). So in the case of milk, I am choosing natural over organic without guilt. In fact, I am far happier supporting a long-standing local dairy than I would be buying organic milk from a faceless supplier. I try to support local farmers as often as I can, which is one reason I was so excited to find an organic CSA less than fifteen minutes away. This strategy works well from late spring to early fall, but when winter comes and the ground freezes solid for weeks on end, it's obviously a bit harder to find local produce (acorns and pinecones notwithstanding). I guess I will never be able to call myself a true "localvore" unless I start squirreling away keepers such as onions, garlic, potatoes and winter squash; preserving summer berries and tomatoes; canning, well, whatever produce one cans (tomatoes again?); drying herbs; and omitting carbs completely from my winter diet because there are no flour mills anywhere in this neck of the woods. And without flour, there would be no cookies, breads, crackers, pizza...Let me just say here that I am a girl who lives for carbohydrates--pastries, freshly baked bread, crackers with gourmet cheese spreads--and a winter without the aforementioned victuals would most definitely prove to be an excruciatingly long winter for me and everyone who knows me. I don't think I would make it in Vermont (or maybe I would--they do have King Arthur up there in Norwich).
When I was thinking about the topic for this blog entry earlier today, my intent was to write about my organic experience at Hannaford's (I almost typed "orgasmic", which actually wouldn't be too far off the mark considering how excited I was by all of the organic stuff I found) this morning. In fact, I had half of the entry composed in my head before I even reached the store. Of course, the likelihood that I would have remembered any of the clever remarks or compelling arguments that kept running through my mind was nonexistent from the outset, which reminds me that I really need to look into getting some sort of recording device to keep in my minivan. Then the kids and I went to Peaceful Meadows and saw the newborn calf, and--well, you've read the rest. So the plan is to dedicate the next entry to my trip to Hannaford's...but who knows what tomorrow will bring?
The Ordinary Organic

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What's old is new - or is it?

While it will take some time before it (hopefully) becomes mainstream, organic food is steadily gaining popularity in the United States. Or perhaps it would make more sense to say that organic foods are making a major comeback, because growing food organically is not a new concept. In fact, organic food was the only kind of food that existed until the advent of chemical pesticides and fertilizers during the last century. Since the dawn of agriculture, people all over the world have been growing everything from corn to potatoes to tomatoes to cotton relying on nothing more than common sense, careful planning, and a little bit of luck. However, the demand for more food that would grow quicker and last longer which became prevalent during and after the two World Wars led to the creation of (what we now know to be) toxic fertilizers and pesticides. Just as we can blame modern science for the introduction of these convenient yet harmful chemicals, we can thank modern science for the slow but steady understanding that the way it was is, in reality, the way it needs to be today.

When I decided to make the conscious effort to eat organic foods and use more eco-friendly products, I did what I always do when I want to know more about a subject: I went to my local library. Actually, I logged onto http://www.sailsinc.org/, a website that allows me to search the catalog of my library as well as those of neighboring libraries which belong to the Sails network. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of books my search for "organic" turned up. One of my favorites so far is A Slice of Organic Life (edited by Sheherazade Goldsmith). This wonderful book is crammed full of ideas for those who wish to adopt a healthier lifestyle but don't necessarily want to make radical changes. There is advice on a myriad of topics; some of the ones that have grabbed my attention are supporting local businesses, give eco presents, wear and sleep in natural organic fibers, and all of the sections regarding growing one's own organic fruits, vegetables, and even animals (my husband just won't go for raising chickens, though, even though I found two books about the subject at my library). If you're interested in finding ways to integrate organic and eco-friendly products and practices into your current lifestyle, whether you live in an apartment in the city or on three acres of land in the suburbs, this book is the perfect place to start.

Off to gymnastics (and I suppose I should study for that French final I have tonight). Have a great day!


The Ordinary Organic

Monday, January 14, 2008

Winter Returns

After a week of above-normal temperatures, Mother Nature reminds us Northeasterners that winter is still in the building. Seemed like the perfect day to sit down with a cup of coffee and my laptop to browse the internet for vegetable and herb seeds. My family has joined a CSA in nearby Plympton that will provide us with sixteen weeks of local organic produce from June to October, but one can never have too many home-grown tomatoes, cukes, and herbs, right? As has been the case with the majority of organic products I have searched for on the web, I was overwhelmed by the number of sites dedicated to organic seeds. One of the best sites I came across is Seeds of Change (http://www.seedsofchange.com/), which offers an incredibly diverse selection of organic vegetable, flower, and herb seeds as well as organic seedlings and a wealth of information and advice. I was especially excited to find such items as the heirloom Choggia beet (also known as a "candy stripe" beet) and heirloom yellow pear cherry tomatoes, as well as yellow beets, corn, peas, watermelons, and pumpkins. As I look out my living room window at my current 6' x 6' garden, however, I am suddenly wondering just where I think I'm going to plant all of these wonderful seeds. Either I need to be a bit more realistic and start off slowly, or plan on turning over a lot of additional earth this spring. You know, I have been thinking about expanding the vegetable garden a bit this year...

Even though I am really trying to eat as much organic produce as I can this year, is it really necessary to buy organic seeds? Is there a significant difference between untreated, non-genetically-modified seeds and certified organic seeds? And would the seeds collected from organically raised plants which were grown from non-organic seeds be organic? So far, I haven't really deciphered the difference between the two. What I have finally decided is that if there are reasonably priced organic seeds as well as conventional seeds, I would probably opt for the organic ones. One company that sells both untreated, unmodified seeds and organic seeds is Park Seed (http://www.parkseed.com/). All of their seeds are guaranteed to be untreated and non-genetically-modified, and they also offer a growing variety of organic seeds, all at prices which are generally lower than most of the other websites I visited. Although they don't carry a few particular items I am looking for (such as the Choggia beets and the yellow pear cherry tomatoes), they did have several types of heirloom tomatoes, such as the Tomato Heirloom Rainbow blend which includes seeds for seven separate heirloom tomatoes (including my favorite heirloom, Brandywine) in one packet for $1.95! They also have an organic herb seed collection and seeds for an organic heirloom cantaloupe called "Melon Hale's Best Jumbo". If you're not looking for specific varieties, Park Seed seems like a good place to start when planning an organic vegetable garden.

Time to shovel the driveway (again). Only three more months until spring...


The Ordinary Organic

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Organic: it's not just for earthy-crunchy tree huggers anymore

Last week I was talking with a friend about Jessica Seinfeld’s cookbook for children, Deceptively Delicious, which I had received as a Christmas present. We were discussing how the premise of the book—making fruit and vegetable purées and adding them to your kids’ meals without telling them as a means of sneaking more fruits and vegetables into their diet—negates the fun of cooking with your kids since said kids can’t be in the kitchen while the “deceptively” healthy food is being prepared or they won’t touch it with a ten-foot fork. “At first, I thought it sounded interesting,” said my friend, who had seen the Seinfelds touting the cookbook on a talk show. “But when they started talking about cooking and puréeing and freezing the vegetables, I said ‘This is way too earthy-crunchy for me.’”

I was momentarily rendered speechless by her comment. I hadn’t realized that some people still regard healthy or organic food as “earthy-crunchy”. Since that conversation, I have been paying closer attention to the attitudes of my friends and family towards all-natural and organic foods. I ran into another friend in the grocery store recently, and while we were chatting I noticed her surreptitiously glancing at the contents of my shopping cart—which were, for the most part, organic—with a slightly raised eyebrow. She didn’t say anything, but it was obvious from her expression that she wasn’t on board with the whole organic idea. And just by observing some of the snacks and beverages that a surprising number of my acquaintances allow their kids to consume (we’re talking freeze pops, donuts, Twinkies, soda and Teenie Weenie drinks—I didn’t even know they still made those) I’m guessing they’re not terribly concerned about what might be in the foods that their kids eat. A similar attitude is shared by the majority of my immediate family. My father, brother, and sister think it’s hogwash, to put it delicately (I can guarantee my father would have voiced his opinion on the matter in quite another way), and while my mother is a little more open to the subject, she’s not about to change the way she does her grocery shopping at this stage in her life (she does have to live with my father, after all). In comparison, my husband’s family shows a good deal more promise, especially my sister-in-law Jocelyn and her husband, Sal. Jocelyn is very conscientious about her health and often purchases organic products. I am unsure of Sal’s stance on organic versus conventional products, but I do know he is passionate about good food and he loves to cook, so I am willing to bet he chooses organic when possible. My mother-in-law is slowly realizing that maybe her sister out in California has had the right idea all along about eating only organic and all-natural foods (the vegetarian diet, though, not so much). As for my father-in-law, well, he’s a hard one to judge. Suffice it to say that if my mother-in-law wants to eat certain foods and not others, for whatever reason, then he’ll do the same, regardless of his thoughts on the matter, and I suspect the gist of those thoughts to be that he really couldn’t care less if his food is organic or not.

Overall, I think it’s quite plain to see that I’m not exactly surrounded by like-minded people when it comes to organics. So the obvious question is: why am I so gung-ho about organics? The short answer is that to me, it just makes sense. If there is an organic, or at least all-natural, version of a conventional product—which there is for virtually any product you can imagine—why wouldn’t I buy the organic/natural one? Take Oreos, for example. Oreos are full of things you really shouldn’t eat, such as partially hydrogenated soybean oil and high fructose corn syrup (more on these evils in a future blog). Luckily, the Newman’s Own Organics company makes Newman-O’s, which contains organic sugar instead of corn syrup and organic palm oil; in fact, there is even a description of what palm oil is on the back of the package. In a blind taste test, it would be a challenge to say which cookie is which, although I happen to think the Newman-O’s taste far better than Oreos. And similar comparisons can be made between hundreds of conventional products and their organic counterparts. Admittedly, the cost of an organic product is often higher than that of the same conventional product. But as more grocery chains introduce their own organic brands and as more consumers make the switch to buying organic, the price gap between conventional and organic products will lessen steadily. Besides, when one weighs the cost of eating healthy foods against the cost of medical care stemming from eating unhealthy foods, there really is no doubt which is the more expensive scenario.

Going back to the beginning of this blog for a moment, I am amazed that many people still think organic food is only for earthy-crunchy tree-hugging hippies. Not so, people. Hence my moniker “the Ordinary Organic.” Yes, I prefer to purchase organic and all-natural foods and products. I also take showers on a regular basis, shave all the parts of my body that American women are expected to keep smooth, and wear a bra; I do not burn incense or smoke marijuana or practice free love. I am not a hippie. I do like to grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers, so maybe I am somewhat earthy. I prefer crunchy cookies to chewy ones, so I guess you could call me crunchy. And although I don’t usually make a practice of hugging trees, I can’t imagine a world without them…you get the point. I am an ordinary girl who happens to think that eating organic and natural food is the right choice for me and my family. If nothing else, my goal in writing this blog is to liberate the organic industry of its “earthy-crunchy” reputation once and for all.

I’ve never been one to force my beliefs upon others. The intent of this blog is not to bully readers into throwing away everything in their refrigerators and cupboards and restocking their kitchens with only organic products (I can assure you that that certainly has not happened in my house). I simply wish to share my thoughts and experiences with others who are curious about “going organic” as well as to receive feedback and advice from readers who feel the same way—and even those who don’t; I’m always game for a lively debate! And maybe, just maybe, some of my friends and family will come to understand that organics don’t have to be “earthy-crunchy” anymore.

Thanks for stopping by!

Kate Strassel
The Ordinary Organic